Easily and conveniently pay bills online. You’ll also find helpful information about billing, insurance guidelines, and more.

DHR Health Billing
About your billing and insurance
Coordination of Benefits (COB)
Coordination of benefits means that you’re covered under two or more insurance policies. For covered medical expenses, most insurance companies have COB guidelines in place to help you know which insurance plan will be primary and will be the one that pays. This prevents double payments.
To make sure you’re following insurance guidelines, you need to know the primary insurance at the time you register for treatment or admittance. Your insurance plan may ask you to fill out a COB form before they’ll pay a claim. Your plan will try to let you know about this request ahead of time. DHR Health cannot provide the COB information to your insurance company. You’ll need to address the issue with your insurance plan before the claim can be paid.
DHR Health is an approved Medicare provider. All services billed to Medicare follow federal guidelines and procedures. Medicare also has a coordination of benefits (COB) clause. This means that at the time of service, you’ll need to answer questions to learn which of the two COB plans is the primary one and is paying for your visit. This is referred to as a Medicare Secondary Payer (MSP) Questionnaire and federal law requires it. When you provide exact information, it helps us bill the correct insurance company.
Medicare deductibles and co-insurance are covered by your supplemental insurance or Medicaid.
If you don’t have supplemental insurance or Medicaid, you’ll be fully responsible for paying the medical bill. You may also be able set up a payment plan.
If you’re not able to pay these amounts, we’ll help you find out if you qualify for a state-funded program.
For Self-Pay Patients
If you’ll be paying the entire bill yourself instead of going through insurance, our Business Office will send statements directly to you. To make your payment, set up payment arrangements, or both, feel free to stop by the office at 101 Paseo Del Prado. You can also pay your bill online.
To learn about any other documents you may need, such as itemized statements or claim forms, or to ask questions, please call 844-998-1408.
Payments & Collections
If you register for treatment or admittance and cannot pay what’s needed, we may be able to help. We’ll refer you to a DHR financial counselor for clearance. You can also call 956-362-7730 for financial counselor assistance. Our financial counselors help with:
Medicaid applications
County applications
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) assistance
Payment plans
The Health Insurance Marketplace
Financial Counselors
If you need help with your account, our financial counselors are here for you.
Phone: 956-362-7730
Hours: Monday – Friday, 7:00 a.m. – 11:30 p.m.; open 24 hours Saturday and Sunday
There are also financial counselors in the emergency room 24/7.
Billing Questions
Need more information? Feel free to call.
Phone: 844-998-1408
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Can't Find What You Need?
Our team is always happy to help.
If you have a question about your bill, insurance, or other account needs, you can contact us at any time.
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